
If you require the services of a legal professional to draft or review an agreement, then Auburn Lawyers are the people to contact. Since 2010 we have worked tirelessly with communities both in Australia and overseas providing expert advice on all types of agreements.

When it comes to Family Law, we can assist with prenuptial agreements (prenups), preparing and serving divorce papers, property settlement agreements, binding financial agreements and any agreements relating to spousal maintenance, child support and enforcement of payments.

For the sale or purchase of a business, Auburn Lawyers can draft or review any agreements involving the setting up the business structure, contracts for the sale or purchase of a business, lease agreements and also franchising agreements. Before entering into a commercial or retail lease in Auburn or surrounding suburbs,it is important to contact experienced solicitors such as Auburn Lawyers to seek expert legal advice about your rights and obligations which from part of the agreement.

Auburn lawyers are experienced professionals when it comes to all types of agreements concerning the purchase or sale of property. This includes drafting and reviewing contracts for sale, auction contracts and any agreements related to purchases off the plan. We can also advise on agreements related to retirement village purchases, leases and service contracts.

Should you require a specialised agreement to be drafted to suit your specific circumstances and needs, then Auburn Lawyers will work closely with you to understand what you are trying to achieve, and write an agreement that best fulfils those needs within the overall framework of the law.

Auburn lawyers are the professionals to go to when it comes to legal agreements and are conveniently located in Auburn Road, Auburn. We can be contacted by phone for an appointment on either 02 8322 9888 or 0416 077 696.